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Free SMS Service Offering Convenient Billing Notifications

March 13, 2012 11:34 pm Published by

Customers have advised that sometimes e-mails may be missed, due to contact information changed or inboxes overloaded. So we have introduced the SMS messaging service as an additional communication vehicle to get account details to clients

Choosing a Domain is the First, Crucial Step to Launching a Website

February 27, 2012 11:38 am Published by

The first critical step that every would-be website owner must take is determining the appropriate domain name for the new site. While this may seem like an easy, straight forward process, it should be carefully considered and the decided-upon domain should be appropriate to the nature of the website or business that is being launched.

LetsHost launches new Shared Windows Hosting Service

February 23, 2012 3:52 pm Published by

LetsHost formally announces the launch of its new shared Windows hosting service. Build on a highly redundant and reliable Cloud platform, it outperforms almost every other shared hosting service available in Ireland today.

Our New Customer Portal

January 30, 2012 4:29 pm Published by

Last week, as some of you have found, we quietly launched our new updated Customer Portal.  This has taken months of work and aims to bring together all the management of the services we sell in to one single, easy to use interface.  We have ironed out a few small bugs over the past week, and are now delighted to announce the official launch.

Want to make some money? Affiliate Program is live!

August 31, 2011 4:42 pm Published by

Recently, we've had a lot of interest in an affiliate program, where a customer refers a colleague or a friend and earns a percentage of the purchase they make. Because word of mouth and loyal customers play a large part in our business, we're only too happy to reward referrals with cold hard cash! We're happy to say - our affiliate program is now open for business!