Categories for online marketing
LetsHost Launches new Content Delivery Network Service
February 19, 2012 7:07 pmAs some of you may have noticed from our Facebook page, we have "soft launched" a new service - The LH-CDN, or LetsHost Content Delivery Network, service is now up and running.
Want to make some money? Affiliate Program is live!
August 31, 2011 4:42 pmRecently, we've had a lot of interest in an affiliate program, where a customer refers a colleague or a friend and earns a percentage of the purchase they make. Because word of mouth and loyal customers play a large part in our business, we're only too happy to reward referrals with cold hard cash! We're happy to say - our affiliate program is now open for business!
SSL Certs – How do they work and why they are important
August 9, 2011 10:39 amSSL stands for "Secure Sockets Layer." Secure Sockets Layer is a protocol designed to enable applications to transmit information between each other securely. SSL is the most widely deployed security protocol used today.
What can Facebook do for your business?
July 6, 2011 11:29 amThere is so much talk about Facebook these days, with more and more people signing up each day, but it is often considered to be nothing more than a fun way to chat to your friends and share some photos. If you are of this opinion, you would be wrong.
Advertising your business online
March 18, 2011 3:29 pmInternet advertising, also known as online advertising or web advertising may be one of the most effective advertising methods used, as it provides the ability to target specific markets while they are surfing the Internet.
Including video on your website
December 6, 2010 1:24 pmWith the explosion of dedicated video sites like and, and the increased availability of high speed internet, including video on your website is becoming more and more attractive.
Why choose a .ie domain?
November 8, 2010 8:29 pmBy choosing to register a .ie domain over other domains you are choosing Irish! When you click on a .ie domain you know that it can be trusted and more importantly that it is an Irish website you are logging on to, as all applications to the IEDR (Irish Domain Registry) must show a real and substantive connection to Ireland.

Attracting the right kind of web traffic
October 29, 2010 3:55 pmWe've heard it time and time again... how web success is defined by traffic. The more "hits" your website gets, the more successful it is, right?
Three pronged approach to securing wordpress installation
October 22, 2010 11:26 amWordPress has become one of, if not, the most popular pieces of software for bloggers the world over. However, this rise in popularity has not gone unnoticed by the darker side of the Internet. Hackers, crackers and spammers all looking for an easily exploitable website that they can break in to and use for their own nefarious purposes.
The Internet in 2010 — just how big is it?
September 29, 2010 11:26 pmt the end of 2007 global online population statistics put the number of internet users worldwide at about 1.3 billion. By 31 December 2009, there were 1.8 billion people across the globe with regular access to the internet.